1: Appliances: There are many stores now a days that will recycle your old appliance when you purchase a new one. You can also recycle them at www.Goodwill.org, or www.recycle-steel.org
2: Athletic Shoes: One World Running sends good condition shoes to those in need in Africa, Latin America, and Haiti. www.OneWorldRunning.com
3: Batteries: www.batteryrecycling.com
4:Clothes: You can donate good condition clothes to your local Goodwill. Good condition woman's business clothing can be donated to Dress for Success, a nonprofit that gives them to low-income women as they search for jobs. www.DressforSuccess.org. Another option, offer them to local animal boarding and shelter facilities, which often use them for bedding.
5: Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL): IKEA recycles them www.Ikea.com. You can also order a Sylvania Recycle Pack www.sylvania.com/recycle/recyclepak.
6: Computers and Electronics: Go to www.ban.org/pledge/locations.html
7: Foam packing peanuts: Your local pack and ship store will likely accept these for resuse. Or call the the Plastic Loose Fill Producers council to find a drop-off site 800.828.2214. For Foam Blocks contact Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers 410.451.8340, www.epspackaging.org/info.html
8: Ink/Toner cartridges: www.recycleplace.com
9: Oil: Find used motor oil hotlines for each state: www.recycleoil.org
10: Phones: Collective good will refurbish your phone and sell it to someone in a developing country www.Collectivegood.com. Call to Protect reprograms cell phones to dial 911 and gives them to domestic violence victims: www.donateaphone.com
rise 34
14 years ago
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